Posts Tagged 'mad'


Ecoutez, s’il vous plaît! You must be joking? I was an NQT and I had the worst class in school – I was struggling to teach them English, never mind French. I weakly protested to my head but he assured me that teaching a modern foreign language was no longer optional.

Two days later, armed with only a 10-year-old B in GCSE French and a feint recollection of Madame Baker’s tried and trusted ‘ecoutez et repetez’ teaching method, I took a deep breath and began my first ever French lesson.

It was bizarre – like teaching a different class. They looked like my class, they smelt like my class, but they didn’t behave like my class. Maybe it was because, to them, it seemed like they had a different teacher. Gone was the grumpy Mr. Thompson they knew and hated and there, in his place, was the eccentric Monsieur Thompson.

Teaching French allowed me a bit more freedom. I went into character, and there was no need bring back my old irritable self during the lesson because the kids, for the most part, stayed on task… and even if I did lose the odd pupil, I just told them off in French like a mad old professeur.

A lesson that I was dreading teaching became my favourite 20 minutes of the week. An added bonus was that, by occasionally dropping back into character at unexpected moments during the week, I had a new behaviour management technique which kept the kids on their toes.

About Me

I'm a journalist and a part-time amateur stand-up comedian. Note the word amateur - don't expect me to be funny.

For a very short while I was a primary school teacher. In short, I couldn't hack it - too much work and too much stress.

I have a huge amount of respect for all teachers because I know how tough the job can be.

There's not much more to tell - read my first two blogs STAND-UP and WHY TEACHING IS STRESSFUL and they might give you a better idea about me.

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